How to find biggest mailboxes in Linux

Applicable to Ubuntu and post-CentOS operating systems, this method displays all Maildir directories in all /home/ directories together with their size: find /home/ -name Maildir -type d -exec du -hs –summarize –block-size=1M {} \; | awk ‘{if ($1 > 2000) … Read More

How to end all Dovecot processes on Cent OS 7

Trying to restart Dovecot and getting “Fatal: Dovecot is already running? Socket already exists: /var/run/dovecot/login/login”? Then open a console and end (kill) all processes by running this: for i in `ps aux | grep dovecot | awk ‘{print $2}’` ; … Read More

Allow USDZ mime in WordPress Media Library

Allow USDZ mime in WordPress Media Library is a plugin that simply permits loading and using USDZ 3D models in WordPress Media Library. It makes this possible by adding USDZ extension in the array of MIME types and by returning … Read More

No Email, IP and URL for WordPress Comments

No Email, IP and URL for WordPress Comments is a quite simple plugin to remove Email and Website fields from comments area and to stop collecting the commenter’s IP address. Also disables comment system cookie and empties comment notes text. It … Read More

WP Scripts and Styles console debug

WP Scripts and Styles console debug is a simple plugin for getting the whole list of JS scripts and CSS styles loaded in any page, post, product or archive of any WordPress web site. It shows both handle and filename, and … Read More