Terms and conditions

A. Legal Notice The following terms applies to all services delivered under the following legal entity: Ultra Networks S.R.L. Company ID: J40/20966/2005 Address: 70, Camil Ressu Blvd. Bl. PM26, Sc. B, AP. 60 031762 Bucharest Romania CUI: 18213877 VIES: RO42550549 … Read More

Reversed Project Scope Creator

Then why start with “I want a website”? Really? Everybody does! Start with the special requirement(s) that will make yours stand out of the crowd; Or if you need something fixed on your website start with what exactly is wrong, what … Read More

Fastest Share Buttons Demo

Welcome to the Fastest Share Buttons demo page! The share buttons above ⇑ gets displayed when the option “Display fixed share bar, before the content” in activated,   Below ⇓ is the result of the shortcode  inserted in this text:   The … Read More

Fastest Share Buttons Settings

First download the plugin, Then install it on your website, Now you’re ready for configuration: Fastest Share Buttons Settings are divided in 5 sections: 1. Fastest Share Buttons display locations 2. Fastest Share Buttons selection 3. Fastest Share Buttons styling 4. Compatiblity management 5. Options … Read More

Fastest Share Buttons Installation

System requirements Fastest Share Buttons for WordPress is tested to work with WordPress version 4.5 and up, on PHP starting with version 5.6. It’s also built to avoid any conflict with themes or other plugins; however, I couldn’t test it … Read More

Fastest Share Buttons for WordPress

An extremely fast and mobile friendly social share plugin – no JS, no external API, with SVG icons, cache compatible and highly customizable with more than 20 options. Download plugin Just want to see the Demo? Go here! Just want … Read More


WHAT I DO WEB DEVELOPMENTMastering PHP, CSS and JS, I’ll mix, match and customize existing solutions to achieve your goals in the most efficient way available.SUPPORT Supporting users since the nineties, both in multinationals and as a freelancer, I’ll be … Read More